6.1 Phone Home: Email Alerts
Phone home Email notification allows the FastStream to send an Email message to you, a network administrator or other users when certain events occur with the FastStream.
Serious error messages are sent immediately, while messages for less serious errors are sent every 15 minutes.
•Types of errors
•Device/drive errors such as medium error, aborted command and hard error
•Device/drive transitions from online to offline
•Critical and warning temperature conditions
•Critical and warning voltage conditions
•Power recycle/power failure conditions
•Warning messages
•device down
•medium error
•abort command
•Message severity levels
•Critical: critical event Emails are sent
•Warning: warnings and critical event Emails are sent
•Informational: information which you may want to know but which probably does not require action: only information messages are sent
•All: warnings, critical events and informational messages are sent
•None: no Emails are sent
You may send Emails to up to five Email addresses and designate which conditions prompt each Email notification.
For example, a recipient with a critical severity level only receives critical messages and not warning or informational messages.
When an event occurs that warrants Email notification, the FastStream sends the message; it cannot respond to a rejection by a server for an invalid address.
Ensure all Email addresses typed in are valid.
Each Email is time stamped when it is sent as part of the SMTP header information.
1If you are not already in the ExpressNAV Storage Manager, type the IP address of your
appliance in a standard browser. On the splash screen, click Enter Here. In the box provided, type in your user name and password, and click
2The Health and Status Monitor page appears. On the menu at the left hand side of the page, choose Manage.
3The Manage Menu page appears. Click on the FastStream arrow.
4Click the Set up Error Notification button.
5Click Next.
6Click on the Enabled button for Notification
7Type in the sender address or use the default. (Emails show this name in the From field).
8Type or use the default SMTP Server (the Email server) IP address or the name of the SMTP server and, if required, the user name and password used to log into the server.
9Type in up to five Email addresses.
10Choose All, Critical, Warning, Informational or None for each Email address.
11When all information is typed in, click Commit.
12A warning box appears. In the warning box, verify that you want to complete the notification procedure including a restart of the FastStream by clicking on Yes. Clicking on No ends the procedure without making a change.
13Your settings are displayed. You may change or disable Email notification at any time from the Error Notification page.
ATTO Technology Inc. FastStream SC Installation and Operation Manual