Video Media Center - VMC 1000 User Guide
•Slide Packages - Consist of PowerPoint slides uploaded and converted to JPEG images by the VMC 1000. Content Owners can use these slide packages to sync with their video.
RSS 2000 Resource Bin Items
When a video stream is imported into the VMC 1000 by means of the RSS 2000, this video is added to a group in VMC 1000 called “Everyone.” At this point, it is not a program and it is available to all persons in the Resource Bin until a Site Administrator or Content Owner assigns this video stream to a person who then owns it. This person becomes the only one who can edit the program.
There are two ways to populate the Resource Bin with streaming video:
•When you connect to the RSS 2000, streaming video is automatically uploaded to the Resource Bin in the VMC 1000.
•The second way involves the purchase of the Upload External Content feature. Using this feature, you can create a program with uploaded streaming media files.
Any file to be uploaded to Resource Bin cannot have spaces in its name. You must rename it prior to selecting it for upload.
Adding a New Folder
To add a new folder:
1Click Media Management.
2 Click Resource Bin.
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