4.Boot your computer with the supplied
5.Run the system erase utility. Your computer will have to be power cycled, but leave CD in.
6.When your computer boots, choose Installation using your language.
7.Set the Region Properties (time and date).
8.Select agree to Compaq
9.Choose Manual Configuration instead of the defaulted Assisted Integration.
13.After the System Configuration Utility runs, save the settings and reboot.
14.Use an
15.Insert the HBA driver diskette and run the I386DNLD.EXE diagnostic utility.
16.Enter the Firmware Maintenance option and enable the Boot BIOS. Exit the I386DNLD.EXE program.
17.Reboot your computer using the
18.Power your computer down.
19.Boot your computer using the
20.Press the F5 key when prompted to enter the HBA BIOS utility.
21.Select the HBA detected.
22.Select a device on the HBA that you designate as the boot device. Choose device 01.
23.Return to the previous menu and enable the Boot BIOS on the HBA.
24.Enable the BIOS on the selected drive.