Firmware and Diagnostic Utility 5-3
C:\ I386DNLD.EXE { I = infilename} {o = outfilename}
Following is a sample command:
C:\ I386DNLD.EXE o = pciha001
Where pciha001 is the output filename.
| Table |
| I386DNLD.EXE Command Options |
Option |
| Description |
Infilename |
| Script input file that is read and executed by the program. |
Outfilename |
| Creates a file of keystrokes that is stored for later use (for example, |
| as an input file). |
NOTE: All message lines except user input begin with a # symbol to indicate a comment line. User entered data appears on a line by itself, not preceded by a #.
Starting Alpha Systems with Alpha BIOS
Following is the procedure for starting ALPHDNLD.EXE on systems running Alpha BIOS:
1.If the system default is NT, at startup, press the F2 key for setup. When the Alpha BIOS screen comes up, go to Step 3.
2.If the system default is SRM, type ARC at the SRM console. When the Alpha BIOS initialization screen comes up, press the F2 key for setup, go to Step 3.
3.Select Run Maintenance Program from the Utilities menu. The run Maintenance Program window comes up.
4.Insert the diskette into your computer’s diskette drive.
5.Type: A:/ ALPHDNLD.EXE and press the Enter key.
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