mar345 Program Manual | 1 6 |
In MAD Data mode "No. of images" is replaced by "No. of ϕ blocks" and a field for entering the number of images per ϕ block. It is supposed that one wants to collect a number of contiguous images at a certain position and then the same wedge of data 180 degrees away. It is not such a good idea to collect only single images at one ϕ position since the detector will have to move ϕ very often and that takes time. Finally one ends up with 2 contiguous data sets A and B, both covering the same ϕ range but differing by 180 degrees.
For your convenience all text fields are followed by a menu with preset values. The menus can be activated by using the left mouse button. Most of the option menus are followed by up and down arrows that will increment or decrement the currently displayed values by one unit.
In Multiple Data Set mode, the following buttons are added underneath the"Distance" field:
You may toggle between different data set parameters by pressing the corresponding "Selected Set" button. The currently selected set will be highlighted and the title string at the top of the window will also tell you which of the sets you are programming.
Even if you have edited one of the data sets, you don’t actually have to use it. The "Status" of a programmed data set can be set to "Use" (green) or "Skip" (red). Default is: "Skip".
When more than 4 programmable data sets are configured (entry "SETS" in the configuration file) one may move forwards and backwards to the next or previous 4 sets using the >> and << buttons, respectively.
Note 1:
All changes are saved automatically to file mar345.dat in directory MARLOGDIR and are available the next time mar345 is used.
Note 2 (synchrotons only):
Since wavelength varies on synchrotron sources, the configuration file should contain the keyword:
wavelength variable
In this case, there is an additional input field for the used wavelength underneath the "Distance" field. Make sure that the correct wavelength is entered, since this information is written into image headers and programs like marView rely on it!