MT3334ZDX/V Owner's Manual
Remote Configuration
The Remote Configuration feature is a network management tool that allows you to configure modems remotely. This means you could configure modems anywhere in your network from one location without having to visit the sites or rely on remote users to follow your instructions. You can download new parameters and implement new features.
To store the remote configuration password, type the following:
The password can be from 1 to 8 characters in length and is case sensitive. This password can be changed in command mode but not in remote configuration. If no user password has been stored, the default password is "MTSMODEM". If a user password has been set, the default password is disabled.
To enter Remote Configuration from online mode, enter the value in S9 three times, the type ATpassword <RETURN>. For example:
If S9 = 37, enter: %%%ATpassword<RETURN> and you will be in command mode.
Note: If an AT&F (load factory defaults) command is entered, or if an ATZ (modem reset) command is entered and S9 has not been saved, S9 will return to zero. However, if either of these two commands are entered, the password will remain saved.