Application Editor
Designing with User Modules
In the Application Editor you can edit your C language and Assembly language source code. You can also assemble, compile, link, and build.
Assembler. The macro assembler allows the assembly code to merge seamlessly with C code. The link libraries automatically use absolute addressing or is compiled in relative mode, and linked with other software modules to get absolute addressing.
C Language Compiler. A C language compiler is available that supports the enCoRe III family of devices. Even if you have never worked in the C language before, the product quickly allows you to create complete C programs for the enCoRe III devices.
The embedded, optimizing C compiler provides all the features of C tailored to the enCoRe III architecture. It comes complete with embedded libraries providing port and bus operations, standard keypad and display support, and extended math functionality.
The PSoC Designer Debugger subsystem provides hardware
IIIdevice. Debugger commands allow the designer to read and program and read and write data memory, read and write IO registers, read and write CPU registers, set and clear break- points, and provide program run, halt, and step control. The debugger also allows the designer to create a trace buffer of registers and memory locations of interest.
Online Help System
The online help system displays online,
Hardware Tools
In-Circuit Emulator
A low cost, high functionality ICE Cube is available for devel- opment support. This hardware has the capability to program single devices.
The emulator consists of a base unit that connects to the PC by way of a USB port. The base unit is universal which operates with all enCoRe III devices.
The development process for the enCoRe III device differs from that of a traditional
IIIBlocks, have the ability to implement a wide variety of
To speed the development process, the PSoC Designer Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a library of
The user module library contains the following digital and analog module designs:
■Analog Blocks
❐Incremental ADC (ADCINC)
❐Delta Sigma ADC (DelSig)
❐Programmable Threshold Comparator (CMPPRG)
■Digital Blocks
❐I2C Master (I2Cm)
❐SPI Master (SPIM)
❐SPI Slave (SPIS)
❐Full Duplex UART (UART)
■System Resources
•I2C Bootheader (Boothdr I2C)
•USB Bootheader (BoothdrUSBFS)
❐Digital System Resources
•Shadow Registers (SHADOWREG)
•Sleep Timer
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