Wires that carry the information between the computer and the printer.
Centronics parallel interface
A device for connecting printers and other peripheral devices to a computer. It transmits a full byte at a time.
A printable letter or symbol.
Character height
The height of a uppercase letter. A character height is measured in points.
Characters per inch
The number of characters printed in a horizontal inch. Also called pitch.
Character set
The set of characters or symbols that make up a language.
Clean print cartridge
Describes the process of removing dried ink from the nozzles of the ink jet car- tridge.
The settings used by the printer to communicate with the computer. Also the internal settings in the printer that control the print job.
Control code
The instructions sent to the printer to describe how to perform the print job.
Control panel
The buttons and display that are used to manually change the printer’s settings.
See characters per inch.
Data communications
The sending of data from the computer to a peripheral device, i.e., the printer.
Dots per inch
The number of ink dots printed in one horizontal inch. The larger the number the better the resolution of print.