Double feeding
A condition in which two or more pieces of media feed at the same time or with- out separation.
See dots per inch.
Draft quality
A lower print resolution which saves ink and allows faster printing of a document.
A file used by the computer’s software to communicate commands and informa- tion that the printer needs to layout and print a document.
Embedded printer commands
Commands sent in a record or document to instruct the printer to change printing options.
Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory.
Escape character
A special
Escape sequence
Commands sent beginning with the escape character that instruct the printer to change printing options: fonts, page orientation, etc.
Feed gap
Adjustable opening between the ends of the
A set of printable characters with consistent style and characteristics.
A electrical circuit that has a voltage of zero.
A method for the computer to communicate with peripheral devices to ensure complete transfer of information.
Hex dump
A printer option that allows all the information and commands sent to the printer as base 16 digits.