DynaView Interface
Chiller Level Mode
Top Level Mode | Description |
Shutting Down | The chiller is still running but shutdown is imminent. The |
| chiller is going through a compressor |
Shutting Down Sub Modes | Description |
Evaporator Water Pump Off Delay: | The Evaporator pump is executing the pump off delay timer. |
Condenser Water Pump Off Delay: | The Condenser pump is executing the pump off delay timer. |
Chiller Level Mode |
Top Level Mode | Description |
Misc. | These sub modes may be displayed in most of the top level |
| chiller modes |
Misc. Sub Modes | Description |
Cond Fans Inhibited By Low Pressure | The condenser fans are being inhibited from running because |
| the ambient temperature was below 10°C and the suction |
| pressure status is not good at startup for each circuit. |
Hot Water Control | For water cooled (CGWN) the chiller is controlling to the |
| leaving condenser water temperature. For a reversible (CXAN) |
| the reversing valve is in the heating position. This |
| mutually exclusive with the Chilled Water Control mode. |
Chilled Water Control | For water cooled (CGWN) the chiller is controlling to the |
| leaving evaporator water temperature. For a reversible (CXAN) |
| the reversing valve is in the cooling position. This |
| mutually exclusive with the Hot Water Control mode |
Manual Evaporator Pump Override | The evaporator water pump relay is on due to a manual |
| command. |
Diagnostic Evap Pump Override | The evaporator water pump relay is on due to a diagnostic. |
Diagnostic Condenser Fan Override | The condenser fan relays are on due to a diagnostic. |
Manual Condenser Pump Override | The condenser water pump relay is on due to a manual |
| command. |
Manual Compressor Control Signal | Chiller capacity control is being controlled by DynaView or |
| TechView. |
The | |
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