Evaporator Entering Water | Chiller | Normal | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Temp Sensor |
Evaporator Leaving Water | Chiller | Normal | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Temp Sensor |
Condenser Entering Water | Chiller | Warning | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Temp Sensor |
Condenser Leaving Water | Chiller | Warning | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Temp Sensor |
Discharge Pressure | Circuit | Normal | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Transducer |
Suction Pressure Transducer | Circuit | Immediate | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Suction Temperature Sensor | Circuit | Normal | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Evaporator Protection Water | Circuit | Normal | Latch | All | Bad Sensor or LLID | Remote |
Temp Sensor |
Low Evap Leaving Water | Chiller or | Warning | NonLatch | Unit in Stop | a) The leaving chilled water temperature fell below the leaving | Remote |
Temp: Unit Off | Circuit | and Special |
| Mode, or in | water temp cutout setting for 16.6°C- seconds while the Chiller |
| Action |
| Auto Mode | is in the Stop mode, or in Auto mode with no compressors |
| and No | running. Energize Evap Water pump Relay until diagnostic auto |
| Ckt(s) | resets, then return to normal evap pump control. Automatic |
| Energized | reset occurs when the temp rises 1.1°C above the cutout |
| [Any Ckt | setting for 30 minutes. When this diagnostic is active AND |
| Energized] | Leaving Water Temperature sensor diagnostic (loss of comm or |
| out of range) the Evap Water pump relay shall be |
| b) If evaporator protection temperature sensors are installed, |
| the effect is on the appropriate circuit. Else, the effect is on the |
| chiller. |
Low Evap Leaving Water | Chiller or | Immediate | NonLatch | Any Ckt[s] | a) The chilled water temperature fell below the cutout setpoint | Remote |
Temp: Unit On | Circuit | and Special |
| Energized | for |
| Action |
| [No Ckt(s) | Automatic reset occurs when the temperature rises 1.1°C |
| Energizd] | above the cutout setting for 2 minutes. This diagnostic shall not |
| |
| diagnostic is active the Low Evap Leaving Water Temp: Unit Off |
| diagnostic shall be suppressed. |
| b) If evaporator protection temperature sensors are installed, |
| the effect is on the appropriate circuit. Else, the effect is on the |
| chiller. |
Low Refrigerant | Circuit | Immediate | Latch | All except | The Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature dropped | Local |
Temperature |
| [Service | below the Low Refrigerant Temperature Cutout Setpoint for |
| Pumpdown] |
| |
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