When an Error Message Appears on the Control Panel
❒If an error message that is not included in this section appears, turn off the main power switch of the machine, and then turn it on again. If the message still appears, note the content of the message and the error number (if listed in the table), and contact your service representative. For information about how to turn off the main power switch, see General Settings Guide.
| Message | Causes and Solutions |
| Cannot cancel sending certain file(s). To confirm the re- | Only files in waiting can be canceled. |
| sult, check [Scanned Files Status]. | Files with a delivery status of suc- |
| cessful or other result cannot be can- |
| celed. |
| Cannot communicate with SMTP server. Check the | • Check whether this machine and |
| server status. | the SMTP server are correctly |
| connected to the network. |
| • The SMTP server is not running |
| or is not in service. |
| • Check whether the Network set- |
| tings in System Settings are cor- |
| rect. |
| Cannot communicate with the delivery server. Check | There was no response from the de- |
| the server status. | livery server. Possible causes are as |
| follows: |
| • The delivery server is not run- |
| ning or has not started delivery |
8 |
| |
| service. | |
| |
| • The delivery server IP address is |
| not set correctly in System Set- |
| tings. |
| • The delivery server does not rec- |
| ognize the connected device. |
| Configure the connected device |
| in Set I/O Device of ScanRouter |
| V2 Administration Utility. See |
| ScanRouter V2 Administration |
| Utility Help. |
| • The machine may not be correctly |
| connected to the network. Check |
| the LED indicators of the Ether- |
| net board. See Network Guide. |