Config archive file naming
You must tab out of the Name field of the Config Archive dialog box before clicking the Send button to ensure the name is retained; otherwise, if you do not, the file automatically is named BCM. (CR Q00757238)
NCM reports do not check user permissions
When you generate a report in NCM, data that you do not have permission to “read” can be included in the report. The report generator does not check user permissions before outputting the report. (CR Q00806529)
Reboot after applying keycodes
When applying keycodes through NCM that require a reboot to take effect, NCM does not prompt for a reboot, in some cases. After applying a keycode in NCM, you must reboot your system for the changes to take effect.
Exporting policy to BCM fails
When you create a policy in NCM, and then export it to a BCM device, the export operation fails, and the policy is not exported to the device. You must add all new policies directly to the BCM device through Unified Manager. (CR Q00862240)
ISDN field blank after import
When you create an ISDN entry on a BCM device, and then import the device to NCM, the import operation is successful, but the ISDN version field is blank. The value of the field is not imported properly. (CR Q00865090)
DLCI to IP mapping entries not imported
When you add a DLCI to IP Mapping tab entry on a BCM device, and then import the device to NCM, the import operation is successful, but the DLCI to IP Mapping entry is not imported properly. The DLCI and IP Address fields are blank.