External Connection
4.7.3 UPS with External Battery via Battery Breaker Box
4.8UPS Installations in Computer Rooms
IMPORTANT! Follow the instructions below when installing
1.- Only systems with external batteries may be installed.
-All battery cabinets must be UL listed and must be approved for use in computer rooms.
-Refer to APC Design Guide for correct DC disconnection/overcurrent if alternative battery cabinet makes are used.
-All batteries used in computer rooms, must comply with R/C (BAZR2) and must be flame rated according to UL 94V2, UL 94V1 or UL 94V0.
2.The system must be provided with switch gear facility with trip function for all switches for Emergency Power Off function (EPO). See principle diagram below.
3.The system must be provided with EPO function for the disconnection of all AC and DC sources. See principal diagram below.
Activate EPO switch to switch off UPS system. All switch gear switches are tripped. UPS will discharge capacitors within 5 minutes.
Test EPO function at yearly service inspection.
Remember to secure load prior to EPO testing.
Monitor noise level in computer room when all equipment is in operation (UPS, computers, servers, printers, air conditioning etc.) Take precautionary measures according to Occupational Noise Exposure Recommendation if necessary.
Installation Guide APC Silcon | 41 |