— Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003
Installing the printer drivers for Novell printing by Point and Print
REQUIREMENT: • You must log into Windows as a user who has the “Administrators” or “Power Users” privilege when using Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003.
1.Open the NetWare queue for the equipment in the network
with Windows Explorer, and
When the NetWare has been set up for the Bindery mode, open the NetWare file server and
When the NetWare has been set up for the NDS or NDPS mode, browse the
NDS tree and context, and
•The Printers dialog box appears.
2.Click [Yes].
•When using the NetWare in NDPS mode and the printer drivers for each Operating System are installed to a NDPS broker, the printer driver is automatically installed.
Printing Guide — Installing Client Software for Windows | 145 |