4 |
| 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
# | Item | Description |
5C lic k buttons (left, c enter a nd right)
The left a nd right buttons func tion like the left a nd right mouse buttons; the c enter button serves a s a sc roll up/ down button.
6 | Spea ker/ | C onnec ts to a udio line | ||||
| Hea dphone | |||||
7 | Line | Ac c eptsa udioline | ||||
| pla yer, stereo wa lkma n). |
8 | Infra red port | Interfa c es with Infra red devic es (e .g., | ||||
| infra red printer, |
9 | Mic rophone | Inputs sounds a nd voic es into yourc omputer. | ||||
10 | Pa lmrest | C omforta ble support a rea for your ha nds | ||||
| when you use the c omputer. |
11 | Keyboa rd | Inputs da ta into your c omputer. | ||||
12 | Spea ker | Outputs sound. | ||||