18 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
4Verify tha t the keyboa rd la yout used for "En English (United Sta tes)"is set to United Sta
If not, selec t a nd c lic k on Properties; then selec t United States- International a nd c lic k on OK.
5C lic k on OK.
To type the Euro symbol:
1Loc a te the Euro symbol on your keyboa rd.
2Open a text editor or word proc essor.
3Hold Alt Gr a nd press the Euro symbol.
Some fonts a nd softwa re do not support the Euro symbol. Plea se refertohttp:/ / www.mic rosoft.c om/ typogra phy/ fa q/ fa q12.htmfor more informa tion.
Launch Keys
Loc a ted a t the top ofthe keyboa rd a re five buttons. These buttons a re c a lled la unc h keys. They a re designa ted a s P1, P2, P3, ma ilbutton a nd Web browser button.
Note: To the left of these five la unc h keys is the wireless
c ommunic a tion button. For more informa tion on this fea ture, plea se refer to the wireless c ommunic a tion ma nua l.