32 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
Traveling with the computer
“when you a re moving within a la rgerdista nc e, forinsta nc e, from your offic e building to a c lient’s offic e building or tra veling loc a lly”
Preparing the computer
Prepa re the c omputer a s if you were ta king it home . Ma ke sure tha t the ba ttery in the c omputer is c ha rged. Airport sec urity ma y require you to turn on your c omputer when bringing it into the ga te a rea .
What to bring with you
Bring the following items with you:
•AC a da pter
•Spa re,
•Additiona l printer driver files if you pla n to use a nother printer
•Ea syLink module
Special considerations
In a ddition to the guidelines for ta king the c omputer home, follow these guidelines to protec t your c omputer while tra veling:
•Alwa ys ta ke the c omputer a s c a
•Ifpossible, ha ve the c omputerinspec ted by ha nd. Airport sec urity
•Avoid exposing floppy disks to ha
Traveling internationally with the computer
“when you a re moving from c ountry to c ountry”
Preparing the computer
Prepa re the c omputer a s you would norma lly prepa re it for tra veling.