Moving around with your TravelMate
This sec tion gives you tips a nd hints on things to c onsider when moving a round or tra veling with your c omputer.
Disconnecting from the desktop
Follow these steps to disc onnec t your c omputer from externa l a c c essories:
1Sa ve your work in progress.
2Remove a ny media , diskette or c ompa c t disc , from the drive(s).
3Shut down the opera ting system.
4Turn off the c omputer.
5C lose the displa y c over.
6Disc onnec t the c omputer from the port expa nsion option, if nec essa ry.
7Disc onnec t the c ord from the AC a da pter.
8Disc onnec t the keyboa rd, pointing devic e, printer, externa l monitor, a nd other externa l devic es.
9Disc onnec t the Kensington loc k if you a re using one to sec ure the c omputer.
Moving around
“when you a re just moving within short dista nc es, for exa mple, from your offic e desk to a meeting room”
Preparing the computer
Beforemovingthec omputer,c losea ndla tc hthedispla yc overtopla c e itin Sleep mode . You c a n now sa fely ta ke the c omputera nywhere you go within the building. To bring the c omputer out of Sleep mode, open the displa y.
If you a re ta king the c omputer to a c lient's offic e or a different building, you ma y c hoose to shut down the c omputer: