24 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
3Firmlyc onnec ttheEa syLinkc ombodrive(c onnec tortoc onnec tor)
(b) to the c omputer.
To disc onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive:
1C lic k on the HotIDE ic on ( ) on the Windows ta skba r.
2Selec t the stop opera tion.
A messa ge a ppea rs to c onfirm the stop opera tion.
3C lic k on OK.
4Disc onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive .
5Tuc k in the Ea syLink c ombo drive c a ble c onnec tor into its stora ge slot.
Note: If the c omputer is on, a nd you disc onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive without using the HotIDE stop func tion, the
c omputer will ha ng (stop opera ting norma lly). C onnec t the
Ea syLink c ombo drive a ga in to solve this problem. It is a dvisa ble to follow the c onnec t/ disc onnec tproc edures disc ussed a bove . If the c omputeris off, you c a n disc onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive a t your c onvenienc e .