78 | Appendix B Notic es |
Notice: Canadian users
This C la ss B digita l a ppa ra tus meets a ll requirements of the C a na dia n Interferenc e
Remarque à l’intention des utilisateurs canadiens
C et a ppa reil numérique de la c la sse B respec ted toutes les exigenc es du Règlement sur le ma tériel brouilleur du C a na da .
Modem notices
This equipment c omplies with Pa rt 68 of the FC C rules. Loc a ted on the bottom side of the modem is a la bel tha t c onta ins, a mong other informa tion, the FC C Registra tion Number a nd Ringer Equiva lenc e Number (REN) for this equipment. Upon request, you must provide this informa tion to your telephone c ompa ny.
If your telephone equipment c a uses ha rm to the telephone network, the telephone c ompa ny ma y disc ontinue your servic e tempora rily. If possible, they will notify you in a dva nc e . But, if a dva nc e notic e is not pra c tic a l, you will be notified a s soon a s possible . You will a lso be informed of your right to file a c ompla int with the FC C .
Your telephone c ompa ny ma y ma ke c ha nges in its fa c ilities, equipment, opera tions, or proc edures tha t c ould a ffec t the proper func tioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in a dva nc e to give you a n opportunity to ma inta in uninterrupted telephone servic e .
If this equipment should fa il to opera te properly, disc onnec t the equipment from the phone line to determine if it is c a using the problem. If the problem is with the equipment, disc ontinue use a nd c onta c t your dea ler or vendor.
CTR 21
This equipment ha s been a pproved [C ounc il Dec ision 98/ 482/ EC - “C TR 21”] for pa