14 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
Embedded numeric keypad
The embedded numeric keypa d func tions like a desktop numeric keypa d. It is indic a ted by sma ll c ha ra c ters loc a ted on the upper right c ornerofthe keyc a ps. To simplify the keyboa rd legend, c
Desired access | Num lock on | Num lock off |
Number keys on | Type numbers in a norma l |
embedded keypa d | ma nner. |
C | Hold Shift while using | Hold Fn while using |
on embedded | c | c |
keypa d |
Ma in keyboa rd keys Hold Fn while typing letters on embedded keypa d.
Type the letters in a norma l ma nner.
Note: If a n externa l keyboa rd or keypa d is c onnec ted to the c omputer, the Num Loc k fea ture a utoma tic a lly shifts from the interna l keyboa rd to the externa l keyboa rd or keypa d.