36 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
To remove the Sma rtC a rd press the Sma rtC a rd ejec t button (a ) a nd remove the Sma rtC a rd (b) a s shown in the illustra tion below.
For more deta ils c onsult your sma rt c a rd doc umenta tion.
Registering your smart card
Important! Your Ac er notebook is equipped with a sma rt c a rd sec urity fea ture tha t protec ts the c omputer from una uthorized a c c ess. If you ena ble this fea ture, plea se ma ke sure tha t your wa rra nty c a rd is c ompleted a nd sent ba c k to Ac er. This informa tion will be used by Ac er servic e c enters to c onfirm ownership in c a se your sma rt c a rd "key"is lost or da ma ged. Registering your notebook with Ac er's servic e c enter is extremely importa nt when repla c ing your lost sma rt c a rd "key".
If you ha ve a lrea dy bypa ssed the sma rt c a rd registra tion, plea se reinsta ll the a pplic a tion a s follows:
2Follow the onsc reen instruc tions.
To ena ble the sma rt c a rd sec urity fea ture, plea se refer to your Sma rtC a rd user ma nua l.