34 | 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te |
Securing your computer
Yourc omputeris a va lua ble investment tha t you need to ta ke c a re of. Lea rn how to protec t a nd ta ke c a re of your c omputer.
Sec urity fea tures inc lude ha rdwa re a nd softwa re loc ks — a sec urity notc h, sma rt c a rd a nd pa sswords.
Using a computer security lock
A sec urity keyloc k notc h loc a ted on the right pa nel of the c omputer lets you c onnec t a
Wra pa c omputersec urityloc kc a blea rounda nimmova bleobjec tsuc h a s a ta ble or loc ked dra wer ha ndle . Insert the loc k into the notc h a nd turn the key to sec ure the loc k.
Using the SmartCard
This softwa re inc ludes the following c omponents: Pla tinumPAS™,
Pla tinumSec ure ™ a nd Pla tinumKey™. Together, they provide you with multiple levels of sec urity.
•Pla tinumPAS implements the first sec urity mea sure a t the BIOS level a nd runs during the BIOS routine c hec k when a c omputer is powered up or rebooting. If no Sma rtC a rd or Emergenc y C a rd is detec ted, the c omputerwillstop booting up to prevent a ny illega l a c c ess to the system.
•Pla tinumSec ureenha nc esthesec urelogonproc edureforWindows