•Pa c k the c omputer in a protec tive c a se tha t c a n prevent the c omputer from sliding a round a nd c ushion it if it should fa ll.
Caution: Avoid pa c king items next to the top c over of the
c omputer. Pressurea ga instthetopc overc a nda ma gethesc reen.
What to bring with you
Unless you a lrea dy ha ve some items a t home, bring the following items with you:
•AC a da pter a nd power c ord
•The printed user’s ma nua l
•Ea syLink module
Special considerations
Follow these guidelines to protec t your c omputer while tra veling to a nd from work:
•Minimize the effec t of tempera ture c ha nges by keeping the c omputer with you.
•If you need to stop for a n extended period of time a nd c a nnot bring the c omputer with you, lea ve the c omputer in the trunk of the c a r to a void exposing the c omputer to exc essive hea t.
•C ha nges in tempera ture a nd humidity c a n c a use c ondensa tion. Allow the c omputer to return to room tempera ture, a nd inspec t the sc reen for c ondensa tion before turning on the c omputer. If the tempera ture c ha nge is grea ter tha n 18°F (10°C ), a llow the c omputer to c ome to room tempera ture slowly. If possible, lea ve the c omputer for 30 minutes in a n environment with a tempera ture between outside a nd room tempera ture .
Setting up a home office
If you frequently work on your c omputer a t home, it ma y be worthwhile to purc ha se a sec ond AC a da pterfor use a t home . With a sec ondAC a da pter,youc a na voidtra nsportingtheextra weighttoa nd from home .
If you use your c omputer a t home for signific a nt periods of time, you might a lso wa nt to a dd a n externa l keyboa rd, monitor, or mouse .