Acer TravelMate 360 What to bring with you, Special considerations, Setting up a home office

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Pa c k the c omputer in a protec tive c a se tha t c a n prevent the c omputer from sliding a round a nd c ushion it if it should fa ll.

Caution: Avoid pa c king items next to the top c over of the

c omputer. Pressurea ga instthetopc overc a nda ma gethesc reen.

What to bring with you

Unless you a lrea dy ha ve some items a t home, bring the following items with you:

AC a da pter a nd power c ord

The printed user’s ma nua l

Ea syLink module

Special considerations

Follow these guidelines to protec t your c omputer while tra veling to a nd from work:

Minimize the effec t of tempera ture c ha nges by keeping the c omputer with you.

If you need to stop for a n extended period of time a nd c a nnot bring the c omputer with you, lea ve the c omputer in the trunk of the c a r to a void exposing the c omputer to exc essive hea t.

C ha nges in tempera ture a nd humidity c a n c a use c ondensa tion. Allow the c omputer to return to room tempera ture, a nd inspec t the sc reen for c ondensa tion before turning on the c omputer. If the tempera ture c ha nge is grea ter tha n 18°F (10°C ), a llow the c omputer to c ome to room tempera ture slowly. If possible, lea ve the c omputer for 30 minutes in a n environment with a tempera ture between outside a nd room tempera ture .

Setting up a home office

If you frequently work on your c omputer a t home, it ma y be worthwhile to purc ha se a sec ond AC a da pterfor use a t home . With a sec ondAC a da pter,youc a na voidtra nsportingtheextra weighttoa nd from home .

If you use your c omputer a t home for signific a nt periods of time, you might a lso wa nt to a dd a n externa l keyboa rd, monitor, or mouse .

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Contents TravelMate 360 series Page Your guides First things firstTurning your computer on and off Basic care and tips for using your computerTaking care of your AC adapter Taking care of your computerCleaning and servicing Taking care of your battery packContents Appendix a Specifications Appendix B Notices Index Troubleshooting your computerTravelMate Page TravelMate tour Front viewDescription Etting to know your Tra velMa te Left view Rear view Right viewDescription Bottom view Multimedia FeaturesPerformance DisplayConnectivity Human-centric design and ergonomicsExpansion Icon Function Description IndicatorsNum Loc k Lights when Num Loc k is a c tiva ted Lock key Description Using the keyboardSpecial keys Lock keysEmbedded numeric keypad Desired access Num lock on Num lock offWindows keys Hot keysKey Description Hot key Icon Function Description Lic k on Start, Settings, Control Panel Euro symbolLaunch Keys Email checking function Launch key Default applicationEtting to know your Tra velMa te Touchpad basics TouchpadFunction Left button Right Center Tap Button Buttons Ba r of Windows a pplic a tionsEasyLink combo drive Connecting and disconnecting the EasyLink combo driveStorage Hard diskEtting to know your Tra velMa te Playing DVD movies Using softwareEjecting a floppy disk Ejecting the optical drive trayRegion code Country or region Audio Adjusting the volumeBasic power management Preparing the computer Disconnecting from the desktopMoving around with your TravelMate Moving aroundTaking the computer home What to bring to short meetingsWhat to bring to long meetings Setting up a home office What to bring with youSpecial considerations Traveling internationally with the computer Traveling with the computerWhat to bring with you Using a computer security lock Using the SmartCardSecuring your computer Page Registering your smart card Running PlatinumSecure PlatinumSecure Options Change Password SmartCard ManagerEncrypt/Decrypt Running PlatinumKey Using passwords Entering passwords Setting passwords Etting to know your Tra velMa te Computer Page Expanding through options Connectivity optionsFax/data modem Fast infrared Built-in network featurePC Card slots Universal Serial BusEjecting a PC Card Inserting a PC CardPort expansion devices Upgrade optionsMemory upgrade Installing memoryUstomizing your c omputer Lic k on Start, Programs, then Notebook Manager Launch ManagerLaunch Manager and 802.11b Wireless LAN Bios Utility Ustomizing your c omputer Troubleshooting your Page Nothing appears on the screen Frequently-asked questionsNo audio is heard from the computer Image is not full-screenWant to set up my location to use the internal modem Keyboard does not respondInfrared port does not work Troubleshooting your c omputer Troubleshooting tips Error Messages Corrective Action Error messagesError Messages Corrective Action Requesting service International Traveler’s Warranty ITWBefore you call Page Troubleshooting your c omputer Specifications Page Display and video MicroprocessorMemory Data storageHumidity non-condensing Weight and dimensionsTemperature PortsBattery pack AC adapterOptions Appendix a Spec ific a tions Appendix B This a ppendix lists the genera l notic es of your c omputer Use conditions FCC noticeModem notices Remarque à l’intention des utilisateurs canadiensCTR Important safety instructions Laser compliance statement Lithium battery statement Year 2000 compliance statement98-32 Macrovision copyright protection notice Index Messa ges error