Note: If you c a nnot power off the c omputer norma lly, press a nd hold the power switc h for more tha n four sec onds to shut down the c omputer. If you turn off the c omputer a nd wa nt to turn it on a ga in, wa it a t lea st two sec onds before powering up.
Taking care of your computer
Your c omputer will serve you well if you ta ke c a re of it.
•Do not expose the c omputer to direc t sunlight. Do not pla c e it nea r sourc es of hea t, suc h a s a ra dia tor.
•Do not expose the c omputer to tempera tures below 0ºC (32ºF) or a bove 50ºC (122ºF).
•Do not subjec t the c omputer to ma gnetic fields.
•Do not expose the c omputer to ra in or moisture .
•Do not spill wa ter or a ny liquid on the c omputer.
•Do not subjec t the c omputer to hea vy shoc k a nd vibra tion.
•Do not expose the c omputer to dust a nd dirt.
•Neverpla c eobjec tsontopofthec omputertoa voidda ma gingthe c omputer.
•Do not sla m the c omputer displa y when you c lose it.
•Never pla c e the c omputer on uneven surfa c es.
Taking care of your AC adapter
Here a re some wa ys to ta ke c a re of your AC a da pter:
•Do not c onnec t the a da pter to a ny other devic e .
•Do not step on the powerc ord orpla c e hea vy objec ts on top ofit. C a refullyroutethepowerc orda nda nyc a blesa wa yfrompersona l tra ffic .
•When unplugging the power c ord, do not pull on the c ord itself but pull on the plug.
•The tota l a mpere ra tings of the equipment plugged in should not exc eed the a mpere ra ting ofthe c ord ifyou a re using a n extension c ord. Also, the tota l c urrent ra ting of a ll equipment plugged into a single wa ll outlet should not exc eed the fuse ra ting.