What to bring with you
Bring the following items with you:
•AC a da pter
•Power c ords tha t a re a ppropria te to the c ountry to whic h you a re tra veling
•Spa re,
•Ea syLink module
•Additiona l printer driver files if you pla n to use a nother printer
•Proof of purc ha se, in c a se you need to show it to c ustoms offic ia ls
•Interna tiona l Tra veler’s Wa rra nty pa ssport
Special considerations
Follow the sa me spec ia l c onsidera tions a s when tra veling with the c omputer. In a ddition, these tips a re useful when tra veling interna tiona lly:
•Whentra velingina notherc ountry,c hec ktha ttheloc a lAC volta ge a nd the AC a da pterpowerc ord spec ific a tions a re c ompa tible . If not, purc ha se a power c ord tha t is c ompa tible with the loc a l AC volta ge . Do not use c onverter kits sold for a pplia nc es to power the c omputer.
•Ifyou a re using the modem, c hec k ifthe modem a nd c onnec toris c ompa tible with the telec ommunic a tions system of the c ountry you a re tra veling in.