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PlatinumSecure Options
C lic k on the PlatinumSecure Options button to open the Sma rtC a rd Options window. It provides grea t flexibility to meet the va rious priva c y protec tion needs of ma ny different users.
•Disa ble Sma rtC a rd Authentic a tion
When Disable PlatinumPAS is selec ted, the Pla tinumPAS Preboot Authentic a tion System will be disa bled.
When Disable PlatinumSecure is selec ted, the Pla tinumSec ure Windows Logon Authentic a tion with the Sma rtC a rd will be disa bled, whic h mea ns tha t the protec tion of your PC a s well a s other options under System Lock Option a nd Password Option will be disa bled, too. The Sma rtC a rd pa ssword is required for this selec tion.
•System Loc k Option
When Lock system when the SmartCard is not in use (defa ult) is selec ted, if the Sma rtC a rd is removed, the
Pla tinumSec ure sc reensa verc omes up a nd a c c ess to the system is loc ked. When Never lock the system after bootup is selec ted, there is no protec tion for the PC a fter boot up, a nd Pa ssword Option is disa bled.
•Pa ssword Option
When Always enter password when the SmartCard is in use (defa ult) is selec ted, the pa ssword is required wheneveryou need to rega in a c c ess to the system while the Sma rtC a rd is inserted.
When Auto authenticate when SmartCard is in use is
selec ted, no pa ssword is required. All you need to do is insert the Sma rtC a rd.