Expanding through options
YourTra velMa te offers you a c omplete mobile c omputing experienc e .
Connectivity options
Ports a llow you to c onnec t periphera ldevic es to yourc omputera s you would with a desktop PC . For instruc tions on how to c onnec t different externa l devic es to the c omputer, see your online guide for more deta ils.
Fax/data modem
Some models ha ve a
Warning! This modem port is not compatible with digital phone lines. Plugging this modem into a digital phone line will damage the modem.
To use the fa x/ da ta modem port, c onnec t a phone c a ble from the modem port to a telephone ja c k.
Sta rt your c ommunic a tions softwa re progra m. See your c ommunic a tions ma nua l for instruc tions.