Appendix |
| C |
vcs..s | B | Sends a GSIOC2 command directly to the |
| c = the type of command |
| = the command string |
| You may send up to four GSIOC2 commands before the |
| first command completes. The response is placed into a |
| response buffer (one string deep) for later reading. |
v | I | Reads the response string buffer. Returns “” if buffer is |
| empty. | | B | Writes character string ( to the LED display. |
| Characters outside the printing range are shown in |
| hexadecimal ASCII code on the display. User definable |
| characters are available with codes of 80 to 8F. |
wn | B | Sets the width between the probes in integral units of 0.1 mm |
| where n is a value from 90 to 180. |
w | I | Reads the probe width in integral units of 0.1 mm |
x | I | Indicates X motor status. Returns one of the following: U for |
| unpowered, P for powered, R for running, or E for error. |
X | I | Reads probe X positions in integral units of 0.1 mm. |
| Returns aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,ddddd where: |
| aaaaa is the X position of probe A |
| bbbbb is the X position of probe B |
| ccccc is the X position of probe C |
| ddddd is the X position of probe D |
y | I | Indicates |
| unpowered, P for powered, R for running, or E for error. |
Y | I | Reads the |
z | I | Indicates |
| a is the status of probe A |
| b is the status of probe B |
| c is the status of probe C |
| d is the status of probe D |
| Returns one of the following: U for unpowered, P for |
| powered, R for running, or E for error. |
GSIOC Commands