Figure 18. Switching/Grouping Screen
Switching power to receptacles on and off
To turn power to receptacles on and off:
1.On the Configuration tab, select Switching/Grouping from the
2.In the Power column, select the On or Off radio button beside the number of each receptacle that you want to switch. If you want to switch a group of receptacles, select
On or Off for one of the receptacles in that group (see Grouping receptacles, below).
3.Click Submit to put your changes into effect.
NOTE: If you turn power on by pressing the receptacle button on the front panel
while this screen is displayed, the screen does not change to reflect your
actions until you click Refresh.
Grouping receptacles
You may want to group two or more receptacles together to ensure that they are switched on or off at the same time. You can create up to three groups. To group receptacles:
1.Locate the number of the first receptacle that you want to group.
2.In the Group Number column, select the radio button for the group number (1, 2, or 3) to which you want to assign the receptacle.
3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the rest of the receptacles that you want to group with the first one.
4.When you have made all desired grouping selections, click Submit.
NOTE: After receptacles have been grouped, any power selection that you make
for one of the grouped receptacles is also performed on the others in that group when you click Submit.
If you do not want to group a receptacle with any others, select None for it.
IPL T PCS4 • HTML Configuration and Control 28