Programming the Xerox LS 3270
Xerox LS 3270
TEST functions (T-Functions):
T1 Offline Hex Dump (PCIA Dump)
T2 Online Hex Dump
T3 Online ASCII Hex Dump
T4 Print out Settings
T5 Printout Character Set
T6 Cancel Online ASCII Hex Dump
User Settings Functions (X-Functions):
X1 Store Settings in Permanent Storage
X2 Restore Settings from Permanent Storage
X3 Restore Factory Default Settings
X4 Restore Settings from Permanent Storage
X5 Restore Settings (SCS settings will be retained)
Engineering Functions:
Y249 Enable Engineering Mode
Z Functions:
Zn | Send |
W Functions:
Wn | Printing Barcodes (defined in Y 59) |
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