REC SPEED: the recording frame rate of the DVR, factory default setting is 30F/SEC under NTSC (25F/SEC under PAL). This means the DVR records the events at the speed of 30 shots of frames per second. The higher of the record frame rate, the more natural look will be displayed on the screen when you playback the footage. The lower of the record frame rate, the more you can save the space on the hard disk. The highest frame rate is 120F/SEC(PAL is 100F/SEC) when the resolution is in CIF mode
REC QUALITY: There are four different video quality settings: LOW, LOW+, HIGH, HIGH+. The higher of the video quality, the clearer images you can get when you playback. The lower of the video quality, the more you can save the space on the hard disk drive.
RESOLUTION: the record picture size of the DVR have two modes:CIF and FIELD, default is CIF. In FIELD mode, the recorded picture is twice the size of that in CIF mode. In CIF mode the REC speed is 120F/SEC NTSC (PAL is 100F/SEC) and the maximal REC speed in FIELD mode is 60F/SEC NSTC (PAL is 50F/SEC).
PB SPEED: the frame rate of playback, default is AUTO, which means the same as record.
When the cursor moves to Audio CH Set, press the Enter button, the Audio CH Set window will appear, as illustrated below.
There are four audio input channels, for each channel you can select anyone of the 8 channels. Although there are four audio input channels, you can only record from one channel’s audio at the same time. To setting the audio correctly, you have to select one channel within these four channels in the Audio Select menu.