Recording preferences
Changes made here will be the new default settings and will af- fect recordings made to the disk.
Make new recordings
The settings made here will affect Normal and Timer recordings only. Pause recordings are always erasable.
Recordings with the Erasable property will automatically be erased in order to make space for new recordings. Refer to line 6, “Erase before record (hours)”.
If you select Permanent you can only erase recordings manually. This means, that if you fill up the disk with Permanent record- ings, no new recordings can be made until you clean the disk from at least some of them. This could mean the difference between success and disaster when you e.g. make a Timer recording.
The default and also recommended setting is Erasable.
Saved pause recordings
If you select e.g. 10, there will never be more than 10 pause re- cordings stored at the same time on the disk. For every new pause recording you make, the oldest of them will automatically be erased.
Please note, that this will only affect pause recordings, not the “normal” recordings. Pause recordings have the word Pause as an extension at the end of the line in the “List of recordings”. See the figure to the right.
Select “Yes” if you want the subtitles in e.g. a movie to be re- corded, or “No” if not.
Repeat playing
Normally you would want a playback to stop when it has reached its end. If so, select “No”.
If you want the playback to automatically restart every time the end is reached, select “Yes”.
Stop recording
While a Pause recording (not a normal recording) is still in progress you can start the playback of it (= start watching it). In the playback mode it is possible to use the “fast forward” func- tion in order to catch up the live part of the programme.
When you do that, and you reach the end of the recording, one of the two following things will occur.
•If you select “Yes”, which is the default setting, on line 5, : When the end of the recording is reached by “fast forward” , the recording will automatically stop and the live programme will be shown.
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