What is happening during playback of a pause recording that is still in progress?
When the playback starts, a few other things also happen at the same time.
•Although the pause recording is still going on, the display now will start to show “PLAY” instead of “PAUS”.
•The text at the bottom of the recording menu now will start to show “Playing” instead of “Pause”.
•At this moment, when you start a playback, the left counter starts to show elapsed time of the playback.
•The right counter continues to indicate recorded time.
•The bar at the bottom of the page will show elapsed time (green) and total time (red).
Now let us stop for a moment and analyse the situation. What is happening? As a matter of fact, two different things are now in progress simultaneously:
•The pause recording is still going on,
•and you are watching the playback of it, with 10 minutes de- lay.
To finish this example of a pause recording
•Keep on watching the playback until the programme reaches the end, for example after 5 minutes.
•The left counter will now show 5 minutes, which is the length of the playback.
•The right counter will show 15 minutes because the record- ing process has been going on all the time.
•Now you finish this pause recording by first pressing to pick up the recording menu to the screen, then
•select “” in the menu and press OK.
•This pause recording is now finished and stored in the “List of recordings”.
There also is another way to finish the pause recording. More about that soon.
GB 31