Chapter 1
Welcome to DISH NetworkTM
Congratulations and welcome to the home theater experience of High Definition Television (HDTV). This high definition (HD) digital satellite receiver provides motion picture sharpness and wide screen format together with high quality digital sound. You will also experience the convenience of Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) service bringing high definition programming straight to your home.
DISH Network consistently provides innovative products and services - with high performance, ease of operation, and a wide variety of entertainment options.
Before you use your satellite receiver, you can install the system yourself or it can be installed by a professional technician. For a professional installation, please call the Customer Service Center at
A vital part of the installation is to set up the receiver to get the latest software from the satellite. If you are having a new system installed, your receiver will automatically get this software.
For information on the receiver and its installation, read Chapter 2, Receiver Description and Installation.
For information on any specific feature or function, including how to use the remote control, read Chapter 3, Using The System.
If you have a problem operating the system, or receive an error message, use the Troubleshooting Tables in Chapter 4, Reference.
In the margins of pages throughout this guide are tips and other information to make using your satellite receiver easier.
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