Troubleshooting Tables
Your computer or FAX machine was receiving a FAX or modem transmission, but an error occurred.
The receiver may have tried to call the Customer Service Center to send Pay-
Have the sender resend the FAX or modem transmission.
Using Event Timers
| What Is Happening | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| You try to set up an event | You must enter the password before | To be able to set up an event timer for the program, first enter the |
| timer and the receiver | you can create an event timer for a | password. |
| displays a message noting | locked program. |
| that the program is locked. |
| You try to set up an event | You must order a | To be able to set up an event timer for the event, first order it. |
| timer and the receiver | before you can create an event timer |
| displays a message noting | for it. |
| that the program is a Pay- |
| |
| You try to set up an event | You already have set up the maximum | To be able to set up a new event timer, delete one of the event timers |
| timer, but the receiver | number of event timers. | you set up earlier. |
| displays an Error message |
| giving you the option to |
| delete an event timer that |
| was set up earlier. |
| You set up an event timer, | You may have set up a Reminder | Remember that a Reminder Event Timer just reminds you that the |
| but the receiver does not | Event Timer but what you should have | program is about to start. An |
| tune to the channel of the | set up is an | tunes the receiver to the channel of the program. |
| program. |
| You set up an event timer | You may have set up a timer with an | Remember that a Once event timer operates just one time. A Mon.- |
| for a program that is | incorrect frequency. | Fri. event timer operates Monday through Friday on the same |
| repeated (such as a regularly |
| channel at the same time. A Daily event timer does the same, Monday |
| scheduled program), but the |
| through Sunday. A Weekly event timer operates once a week on the |
| timer does not operate for a |
| same channel at the same time. |
| showing of the program. |
| You set up an event timer, | The program time may have changed | If the receiver is ON and finds an event timer overlap, it will display |
| but the timer does not | so that the event timer overlapped | the Event Timer Scheduling Conflict menu. You must edit or |
| operate at all. | another event timer. | delete one of the overlapping event timers. |
| The program time may have changed | No event timer will operate if the program time changes by more than |
| by more than |
| |
| You set up a Once event | The program time changed. | A Once event timer always operates at the actual time of the program. |
| timer, but the timer operates |
| at a time different from what |
| you expect. |
| You stop the operation of an | Stopping the event timer applies only | To stop all operations of a repeated event timer, you must delete the |
| event timer for one showing | to the current showing of the program. | event timer. |
| of a program that is repeated |
| Note: The receiver deletes a Once event timer when it operates. |
| (such as a regularly |
| scheduled program), but the |
| timer operates for the next |
| showing. |
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