Error | Sub- | Error | Subcode | Compo- | Corrective Action |
Code | code | Description | Description | nent |
(hex) |
80 | 1 | Element not | Checking move from an |
| Correct host software |
| present | invalid fixed slot loca- |
| tion |
| 2 |
| Checking move to an |
| invalid fixed slot loca- |
| tion |
| 3 |
| SCSI position attempt |
| to an invalid slot loca- |
| tion |
81 | 1 | Magazine not | Magazine not present |
| Replace magazine |
| present | during verification of |
| installation |
| 2 |
| Magazine not present |
| during recovery |
84 | 1 | Source is empty | Online check of |
| Run Check Elements, Host |
| NVRAM says source |
| needs to check inventory |
| element is empty |
| 2 |
| Online check of |
| NVRAM says source |
| element is empty, to |
| element is full (not |
| exchange command) |
| 3 |
| Src element = 1st desti- |
| nation element during |
| exchange command |
85 | 1 | Destination is full | Online check of |
| Run Check Elements, Host |
| NVRAM says destina- |
| needs to check inventory |
| tion element is full (not |
| an exchange com- |
| mand) |
| 2 |
| Online check of |
| NVRAM says destina- |
| tion element is full |
| (picker address not |
| zero) |
| 3 |
| 1st destination element |
| = 2nd destination ele- |
| ment during exchange |
| command |
Appendix D | Plasmon D875 - D2175 User Manual |
Page 78 | Document Revision E |