Infinite Peripherals SCOM-100 manual Using the microphone input

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SCOM-100, User guide


8. Using the microphone input

A microphone input is provided for the temporary auditive room observation in a remote SCOM-100 site installation. An electret microphone must be connected to the respective input for using this option.

SCOM-100 answers incoming voice calls from users with the administration priviledge. All remote control and alarming capabilities are temporary suspended during the auditive session. Any occuring alarms are transmitted after the session termination.

The auditive session is terminated automatically after 10 minutes by the SCOM GSM modem or can be anytime terminated by a user hang up.

Image 56
Contents Page Disclaimer Contents Page Page Device overview ConnectionsLED indications Wiring Power supplyDigital inputs Digital outputs AC1Analog inputs Analog inputVin SCOM-100, User guide Analog input I/O expansion power supply SCOM-100, User guide GSM antenna MicrophonePreparing a SIM card Installing the SIM cardGetting started First power up & factory settings SMS commands Device operationNaming the unit XXXX,A..A,..,..,Z..ZConfiguring a digital input for alarming 1100,m,n,s,a,d1100,0,1,Door contact,3,30 My SCOM-100 Door contact1101,m,n,ID1,ID2 Setting alarm message’s texts0630,ID,s 0630,1,Door is opened 0630,2,Door is closed 0630,1,Door is opened 0630,2,Door is closed 1101,0,1,2,1My SCOM-100 Door contact Door is opened My SCOM-1001110,m,n Clearing the digital input configurationDoor contact Door is closed Setting a digital output Controlling the digital outputs1000,m,n 1000,0,2Configuring an output as a closed contact 1001,0,21071,m,n 1071,0,21070,m,n Pulse digital output1010,0,2,25 Setting a digital output after a delay1010,m,n,s Resetting a digital output after a delay 1020,m,n,h,mn1021,m,n,h,mn Digital output time based scheduling 1040,m,n,mon,moffTime schedule program 1700,ID,d,P1B-P1D,P2B-P2D,…,P8B-P8D1701,ID,P 1700,1,0,800-120,1130-1001645-1801030,m,n,ID 1090,m,n,ID Clearing the digital output configuration1701,3,50 1200,m,n,s,SSL,SSH,SCL,SCH,ALL,ALH,u,d Analog signal alarmingAnalog input configuration ALH SCOM-100, User guide 1201,m,n,ID1,ID2 Setting alarm message’s texts for analog inputs1200,0,2,Pressure,819,4095,0,10000,2500 8500,mBar,15 Clearing the analog input configuration Setting the analog inputs alarm deadband1210,m,n 1800,d1250,id,m,n,m1,n1,sp,g,it,dt,ct,h Special I/O Functions1 ON/OFF and PID control 1255,id,sp 1251,id,s1260,id 1252,id,m,n1253,id 0500,id,n,p,c1,c2,c3 User administrationCreate a new user Change user configuration Defining specific alarm recipientsSet a DI alarm recipient Delete a userClear AI alarm recipients Set an AI alarm recipientClear DI alarm recipients Device status & mode controls Setting the device statusRUN Control command Monitor commandControlling the device status Controlling the device response1105,m,n,v Send acknowledgement SMSResponse format Setting up an SMS counterMerge concurrent alarms Setting date and time Setting a GSM PINMonitoring commands Monitoring capabilities5100 UNITMy SCOM-100Connecting a PC Using the Hyperterminal for configurationSCOM-100, User guide SCOM-100, User guide Atsms=1100,0,1,Door contact,3,30 Using the Scom Configurator for configurationAte1 Using the microphone input Appendix Command referenceGeneral parameter settings SMS User configuration Output control & configuration Input configuration 5 I/O Functions RTC & Time scheduling Monitoring commands AI/DI/AO/DO Troubleshooting Page Technical specifications Main unitGE-DIO-42 Digital I/O Expansion module Error handling Status LED indications LEDDefault parameter values Factory settings GE-DIO-42 Digital I/O expansionSetting an I/O expansion module address Dip switch settings Module number m RS232C connector layout PIN