Peripheral Architecture
2.6FIFO Operation During Card Read Operation
2.6.1EDMA Reads
The FIFO controller manages the activities of reading the data in from the card and issuing EDMA read events. Each time an EDMA read event is issued, an EDMA read request interrupt generates.
Figure 10 provides details of the FIFO controllers operation. As data is received from the card, it is read into the FIFO. When the number of bytes of data received is equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits in MMCFIFOCTL, an EDMA read event is issued and new EDMA events are disabled until the EDMA is done with the transfer issued by the current event. Data is read from the FIFO by way of MMCDRR. The FIFO controller continues to read in data from the card while checking for the EDMA event to occur or for the FIFO to become full. Once the EDMA event finishes, new EDMA events are enabled. If the FIFO fills up, the FIFO controller stops the MMC/SD controller from reading any more data until the FIFO is no longer full.
An EDMA read event generates when the last data arrives, as determined by the MMC block length register (MMCBLEN) and the MMC number of blocks register (MMCNBLK) settings. This EDMA event flushes all of the data that was read from the card from the FIFO.
Each time an EDMA read event generates, an interrupt (DRRDYINT) generates and the DRRDY bit in the MMC status register 0 (MMCST0) is also set.
2.6.2CPU Reads
The system CPU can also directly read the card data by reading the MMC data receive register (MMCDRR). The MMC/SD peripheral supports reads that are 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes wide as, shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
As data is received from the card, it is read into the FIFO. When the number of bytes of data received is equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits in MMCFIFOCTL, a DRRDYINT interrupt is issued and the DRRDY bit in the MMC status register 0 (MMCST0) is set. Upon receiving the interrupt, the CPU quickly reads out the bytes received (equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits). A DRRDYINT interrupt also generates when the last data arrives as determined by the MMC block length register (MMCBLEN) and the MMC numbers of blocks register (MMCNBLK) settings.
SPRUE30B | Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller | 19 |