Panasonic welcomes you to our ever growing family of electronic product owners. We know that this product will bring you many hours of enjoyment. Our reputation is built on precise electronic and mechanical engineering, manufactured with carefully selected components and assembled by people who take pride in their work. Once you discover the quality, reliability, and value we have built into this product, you too will be proud to be a member of our family.
❏Use This Product Safely
When Driving
Keep the volume level low enough product to be aware of road and traffic conditions.
When Car Washing
Do not expose the product, including the speakers and tapes, to water or excessive moisture. This could cause electrical shorts, fire, or other damage.
When Parked
Parking in direct sunlight can produce very high temperatures inside your car. Give the interior a chance to cool down before switching the unit on.
Use the Proper Power Supply
This product is designed to operate of a 12 volt, negative ground battery system (the normal system in a North American car.)
Protect the Tape Mechanism
Keep magnets, screwdrivers, or other metallic objects away from the tape mechanism and tape head to prevent poor performance or malfunctions.
Use Authorized Servicenters
Do not attempt to disassemble or adjust this precision product. Please refer to the Servicenter list included with this product for service assistance.