Timeout setting does not affect the duration of a Bluetooth connection after it is established.
Turning off Bluetooth Password authentication
Bluetooth Password authentication requires you to enter a 1 to 8 digit number of your own creation upon each connection with another Bluetooth compatible device, insuring your phone and the other device are authenticated each time upon connection. However, if you wish to skip this authentication step, you can turn the setting off.
1Select Bluetooth Password From the Bluetooth Settings display and press O.
2Select OFF and press O.
Note: Even when this setting is Off, your phone may be prompted to enter the Bluetooth Password corresponding
to the other device. However this may be different depending on the device and device settings.
Editing your own Device Name
1Select Own Device Name from the Bluetooth Settings display and press O.
2Edit the current name and press O.
Changing the Authentication Password
1Select Authentication Password on the Bluetooth Settings display and press O.
2Select Change and press O.
3Enter the handset’s security code.
4Enter a new authentication password.
5Press O.
Note: This authentication password is different from the Bluetooth Password.
Confirming the detailed information in the Bluetooth settings
•Select Check Setting on the Bluetooth Settings display and press O. The following information is displayed: The name of your mobile phone, the device address and the current setting status in Authentica- tion and supported services.
Infrared transmission
Infrared is a wireless infrared transmis- sion system to transfer data on your phone with another device with a built in infrared port. Infrared technology enables your phone to send and receive contacts, your phone’s information (Owner Information), calendar events, To Do tasks, pictures and videos, etc.
Cautions: • SD Card data cannot be transmitted.
•No incoming calls or messages can be received during Infrared transmission.
Infrared transmission is possible when:
•The two devices are turned on and set to transmittable.
•Infrared ports are both facing each other and are within a distance of at least approx. half a metre or closer.
•There are no line of sight obstruc- tions between the devices.
Sending Media Album folders
1Activate receiving mode on the receiving device.
•When using an S750i as the other device:
On the other S750i, press [Menu]
→ → Connectivity → Infrared → Receiving Mode →
2Open the list of Media Album folders on your S750i.
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