Vision Fitness E3200, R2250 manual Using the Sprint 8 Program

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The Sprint 8 program is an anaerobic interval program designed to build muscle, improve speed, and naturally increase the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in your body. Producing HGH through exercise and a proper diet has been shown as an effective way to burn fat and build lean muscle mass according to Phil Campbell, author of Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness. Please go to Mr. Campbell’s website for more details about this radical new approach to fitness.

The SPRINT 8 program features intense sprint intervals followed by recovery intervals. The program includes the following phases:

1.WARM-UPshould gradually increase your heart rate and increase respiration and blood flow to working muscles. The warm-up is controlled by the user to meet your specific needs.

2.INTERVAL TRAINING starts immediately after the warm-up with a 30-second Sprint interval. Seven Recovery Intervals of one minute and 30 seconds will alternate with the eight 30-second Sprint Intervals. The message display will prompt you to increase your RPMs during the Sprint Interval and decrease RPMs during the Recovery Interval. A difference of 30 to 50 RPMs between Sprint Interval and Recovery Interval is recommended for bikes. A difference of 20 to 30 RPMs between Sprint Interval and Recovery Interval is recommended for elliptical trainers.

3.COOL-DOWNhelps return your body’s systems to resting levels. Less demand is placed on your heart during recovery if an appropriate cool-down is used following the exercise.

Due to the fact that this is a specialized training program, total workout time is not displayed during the program. The interval time is displayed in the

48time window instead. It takes only 20 minutes to complete the SPRINT 8 workout.

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