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The Health level typically lasts four to six weeks. At this level you should be concerned with slowly improving your fitness level and endurance.
Take it slowly. Set
Move on to the Fitness Level only when you feel ready
and your heart rate has moved below your target heart rate zone.
The Fitness level usually lasts 12 to 20 weeks. (It may last longer, depending on your fitness goals.) At this level you should strive to achieve your fitness goals.
Set realistic short- and
Move on to the Advanced Level when you have reached your fitness goals and your heart rate has moved below your target heart rate zone.
Work out at the Advanced level once you have reached your desired fitness goals, it is intended to be a mainte-
nance program and should continue on a regular, long- term basis.
You may wish to add Interval Trainingto your mainte- nance program as wee Interval training will add variety to your workout routine and further condition your cardiovascular system. Interval training has been shown to promote higher levels of aerobic conditioning. It consists of spurts of
For example, a
should be repeated 5 to 20 times during your workout session.
*Estimated maximum heart rate (MHR) = 220 - your age.
| Head | Ratelntensity |
| |
Age | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 |