Voice Messages
Voice messages are stored on your voicemail system. Your company determines the voicemail system your phone uses.
You can:
•Personalize your voicemail
•Check for voice messages
•Listen to voice messages
Personalize Your Voicemail
Press the Messages button , then follow the voice prompts.
Check for Voice Messages
Check for voice messages in any of these ways:
•Look at the visual message indicator lamp on your handset.
You can configure the visual message indicator lamp using your User Options web pages.
•Look for:
–(For Cisco Unified IP Phone 6941 and 6945 only.) A message waiting icon .
–(For Cisco Unified IP Phones 6921 and 6961 only.) A text message.
•Listen for a stutter tone from your handset, headset, or speakerphone when you place a call. The stutter tone is
Cisco Unified IP Phone User Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.5 (SCCP and SIP) | 49 |