zero. When training is started, the programmed values appear and will count down from the preset value. Values that had not been preset, will count upwards. If a programmed value reaches the value zero, the dis- play will flash for five seconds with the originally programmed value and then will count upwards again. After completing or interrupting the trai- ning unit the computer will operate as described in section ”Training with- out preset training data”.
During training, the computer displays whether the preset pulse deviates from the programmed target value by more than 10 beats/minute. If you fall below this preset pulse, the symbol ”LO” (12) for ”low” appears; if you exceed this preset pulse, the symbol ”HI” for ”high” is displayed. The display "Low" appears for the first time after the programmed pulse value has been reached.
Training programs 1 - 4 (program mode)
After switching on the computer, press the program key (17) twice. The computer will be in program mode. The dipslay field (16) will show "COURSE" and the respective program number. Every pressing of that key will switch the display to the next training Any time you press the key, you switch the display further by one training program program (refer to load profiles on page 22 ). During the first two seconds the program's complete load profile will be represented in a condensed way for a short survey. Then, the display will change to the normal representation of the training program.
No training presets are provided in the stored training programs. How- ever, there is the possibility to program the pulse limit. For this purpose, change to the program
For programming the pulse target proceed as described in section "Train- ing with preset training data.
After programming the pulse value do not press the set key but change to the desired training program by pressing the program key.
You can regulate the pedalling resistance manually with any stored load level. The graphic display (5) will adapt itself accordingly (skipping the
When selecting the training program the display will show the appropri- ate program number and after two seconds the first 15 columns (=12 min- utes) of the graphic display (5) representing the progress of the course. The time display will indicate the duration of the course (7), all other val- ues are set to zero.
If you start pedalling, the time display (7) will start counting down. The kilojoule and distance covered displays (3 and 9) start counting upwards while the displays for performance (4), pedal rotations (2) and velocity
(8) show the current values.
If the training unit is interrupted, the selected course will remain where it has been interrupted. This also applies for energy consumption and dis- tance covered. If training is taken up again, counting will continue at that position where it had been interrupted.
Select the pulse program (program 5) with program key (17). Apart from the first segment in the lower left column the graphical display of the load profile is blank. "COURSE" will be displayed as the current mode (6). You can adjust the preset training values as described under section "Training with preset training data". The current pulse beat (10) is set to ”–
The ergometer's
In the further course of training, keeping the preset pulse frequency will be automatically controlled.
For an optimal heart frequency control, keeping a preset pedalling rota- tion margin by the training person is essential. Should the number of ped- al rotations/minute be outside that margin, the arrow symbols of the dis- play for exceeding or falling below the admissible pedal rotations (1) will cause the training person to adapt his/her pedalling velocity.
The geographical representation of the load profile (5) and the other func- tions are displayed exactly as described in the previous sections.
The ergometer is not depending on the speed. This means that the er- gometer - independent of an increase or a reduction of the pedalling fre- quency by the training person - will correctly keep and regulate the wattages (personally entered or preset by a program) by means of the electromotive control of the
Merely the margin of admissible pedal rotations (performance range) de- scribed before and in the following diagram must be kept for an exact power indication. The performance range is marked by the arrow sym- bols (1).
rpm |
120 |
110 | Performance Range |
| ||||
100 |
| |||||
90 |
| |||||
| |
80 |
70 |
60 |
50 |
40 |
30 |
20 |
10 |
25 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 350 | 400 |
performance (watt)
Pulse measuring
The pulse sensor operates with infrared light and measures the changes of the translucency of your skin resulting from your pulse beat. Before sticking the pulse sensor to your ear lob firmly rub your ear lob 10 times in order to increase blood circulation. Because of the required high am- plification of the input impulses of the pulse sensor disturbing impulses have to be avoided.
-Therefore carefully stick the ear clip to your ear lob.
-Do not train directly under strong incidence of light, e.g. neon light, halogen light, spot reflectors, sunlight.
-Avoid vibrations and shaking the ear sensor including cable. Stick the cable with the clamp to your clothes.
Should there yet be any faulty readings, please once again check the aforementioned points.
Accessories for pulse measuring
Moreover, there is the possibility to equip the ergometer with a pulse mea- suring system requiring no cable. The Kettler
Measuring the recovery pulse
The training computer is equipped with a recovery function which enables you to measure your recovery pulse at the end of the training.
Press the recovery pulse key (18) at the end of the training. The comput- er will measure your pulse for one minute. The time will be displayed in
The current recovery pulse is displayed in display field (10).
After completed recovery pulse measurement, a ”fitness mark” with F1 to F6 will be indicated in the display field (9) for 20 seconds. Afterwards, the display will switch back to the previous mode. If the recovery pulse key (18) or the "SET" key is pressed again during measuring, the display will interrupt the recovery pulse measurement and return to the previous mode. Should the receipt of the pulse signal be disturbed, the letters ”FE” (error) will appear in display (9).
Compare your exercise pulse at the end of the training with the recovery pulse one minute after the end of the training. The computer will calculate and assess the difference and your ”fitness mark” resulting therefrom ac- cording to the following formula:
| ( | 10 | P | 1 | ) | |||
| F = 6 |
P1 | = exercise pulse |
| |
P2 | = recovery pulse after one minute |
| |||||||
∆P | = pulse difference ( P 1 |
| P 2 ) |
| |||
| ||||||
Mark 1 = very good | Mark 6 = unsatisfactory |