Side Bend with Straight Arms
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: external oblique, latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior
1.Stand with feet 14 to 16 inches apart.
2.Interlace the fingers with palms facing each other.
3.Reach upward with straight arms.
4.Keeping arms straight, lean from waist to left side. Do not bend knees.
5.After moving as far as possible, hold for 10 seconds.
6.Repeat to the left side.
Stretching the sides, upper back and shoulders
Side Bend with Bent Arm
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: external oblique, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior and triceps
1.Stand with feet 14 to 16 inches apart.
2.Flex right arm and raise elbow above head.
3.Reach the right hand down toward the left shoulder.
4.Grasp the right elbow (just above the elbow) with the left hand.
5.Pull the elbow behind head.
6.Keeping arm bent, lean from waist to left side.
7.Do not bend knees.
8.After moving as far as possible, hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
9.Repeat with the left arm.
Stretching the sides, triceps and upper back
Side Quadricep Stretch
Stretching the quadriceps on side
MUSCLE(S) AFFECTED: quadriceps and iliopsoas
1.Lie on left side with both legs straight.
2.Place left forearm flat on floor and upper arm perpendicular to floor.
3.Place left forearm at 45° angle with torso.
4.Flex right leg with heel of right foot moving toward buttocks.
5.Grasp front of ankle with right hand and pull toward buttocks. WARNING: Do not pull on ankle so hard that pain or discomfort is felt in knee.
6.Move knee backward and slightly upward. The stretch occurs not so much from the excessive flexion of the knee but from moving the knee back and slightly up.
7.Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
8.Repeat with the left leg.