Ever have trouble getting distance to the flag? This advanced mode allows easy acquisition of the flag without inadvertently getting distances to background targets (i.e. trees) that have stronger signal strength.
For ease of use, the device will always be in PinSeeker™ Mode.
To use, align the aiming circle reticle onto the flag that you want distance to. Next, press and hold the POWER button and move the laser slowly over the flag or desired object until a circle surrounds the flag indicator. If the laser beam recognized more than one object (i.e. flag and background trees), distance of the flag will be displayed and a circle will surround the PinSeeker™ indicator informing the user that distance to the flag (i.e. closer object) is being displayed in the VDT™ (as seen below). There may be times when only the laser beam only sees one object in its path. In this case, the distance will be displayed, but because more than one object was not acquired, a circle will not surround the flag indicator.
TIP: While pressing the POWER button, you can move the device slowly from object to object and intentionally force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the closest of the objects recognized by the laser. Once the device has shut off, the unit will always default back to the last mode used.
PinSeeker™ with Slope +/-™
This advanced patented mode will be found only on model
How to use Slope +/-™
Once in this mode, you will see a “ ° ” in the field of view informing you that you are in the Slope +/- Mode. Press
the POWER button to obtain distance to the flag or other objects. Once the range is displayed, continue to hold the POWER button down for approximately 2 seconds while holding the aiming circle on the flag and keeping the unit as steady as possible so as to allow the inclinometer enough time to measure slope. Then release the POWER button. Once you have released the power button, a degree of angle and compensated range will be displayed beneath the standard distance as seen below.
In this example, the true distance is 162 yards, slope is +4 degrees, | X | |
and the compensated range is 173 yards. The “ ” symbol means | ||
| ||
| ||
| 4° |
The Advantage of Slope +/-™
The distance to flag A in the drawing below is162 yards. It is also 162 yards to flag B although it is on a slope. However, if you were to play this hole as 162 yards, the ball (X) would fall short of the hole/flag because you did not take slope into account.
The Truth about Slopes
Trying to determine slope angle with the naked eye can be rather deceiving. Most are not well versed to accurately determine slope angle. For example, most golf courses average slope is approximately 4 degrees. A large slope at a golf course is generally no more than 8 degrees. Of course this can vary, and that is why this device will measure slope from
Some real world examples may help clarify. A moderate roof pitch is 6/12, which means that the roof rises six inches for every 12 inch horizontal distance. That equates to 26.5 degrees. You can scramble up this pitch when hanging Christmas lights, but climbing that slope for the distance of a good golf shot on a course would be exhausting. To retrieve a 200 yards shot, you would climb 300 feet up!
Golf Example: Let’s say you are a strong golfer with a 300 yard shot. At a 20 degree slope the Pin would be 50 feet above you. In other words, you be driving the ball to the top of a 5 story building!!!
NOTE: For your convenience, the Slope
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