Whirlpool Gas Washer/Dryer PlanVentSystem, Recommended exhaust installations, Determine vent path

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Choose your exhaust installation type

Recommended exhaust installations

Typical installations vent the dryer from the rear of the washer/ dryer. Other installations are possible.














A. Dryer

E. Elbow

B. Rigid metal or flexible metal vent

F. Clamps

C. Clamps

G. Elbow

D. Wall

H. Exhaust hood

Optional exhaust installations

This washer/dryer can be converted to exhaust out the right or left side. To convert the washer/dryer, use Side Exhaust Kit Part Number 279823. If your washer/dryer was previously exhausted from the right or left side, it can be converted to rear exhaust by using standard offset connections. To cover the hole in the side, one of the following plugs can be added:

692790 (white)

3977784 (biscuit)

Follow the instructions in the kit to install. Kits are available from the dealer from whom you purchased your washer/dryer.


A. Standard rear offset exhaust installation

B. Rear exhaust for offset close clearance connection

C. Left or right side exhaust installation

Alternate installations for close clearances

Venting systems come in many varieties. Select the type best for your installation. Three close-clearance installations are shown. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions provided with the vent system.



A. Loop system with standard elbows

B. Loop system with one offset and one standard elbow C. Vent system with one periscope (2" [51 mm] clearance)

NOTE: The following kits for close clearance alternate installations are available for purchase. Please reference the “Assistance or Service” section of the Washer/Dryer User Instructions.

Over-the-Top Installation:

Part Number 4396028

Periscope Installation (For use with dryer vent to wall vent mismatch):

Part Number 4396037 - 0" (0 mm) to 18" (457 mm) mismatch

Part Number 4396011 - 18" (457 mm) to 29" (737 mm) mismatch

Part Number 4396014 - 29" (737 mm) to 50" (1.27 m) mismatch

Special provisions for mobile home installations

The exhaust vent must be securely fastened to a noncombustible portion of the mobile home structure and must not terminate beneath the mobile home. Terminate the exhaust vent outside.

Determine vent path

Select the route that will provide the straightest and most direct path outdoors.

Plan the installation to use the fewest number of elbows and turns.

When using elbows or making turns, allow as much room as possible.

Bend vent gradually to avoid kinking. Use the fewest 90° turns possible.


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Contents 2769CMGASWASHER/DRYER INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS WASHER/DRYER SAFETYDANGER WARNING INSTRUCTIONSD’INSTALLATION LAVEUSE/SÉCHEUSEÀGAZ DE2769CMWHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Do not try to light any appliance LocationRequirements ToolsandPartsAlternateParts INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSWasher/Dryer Dimensions DrainSystemInstallation Clearances Installation spacing for recessed area or closet installationSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ElectricalRequirementsGasSupplyRequirementsGROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS Laundry tub drain system view CIf using an existing vent system VentingRequirementsGas supply pressure testing Vent materialUse two or more people to move and install washer/dryer RemoveShippingStrapExcessive Weight Hazard Rigid metal ventConnecttheInletHoses InstallLevelingLegsConnecttheDrainHose Install the front leveling feetConnect the inlet hoses to the washer SecuretheDrainHoseClear the water lines If you are working in a closet or recessed areaOptional exhaust installations PlanVentSystemRecommended exhaust installations Alternate installations for close clearancesMakeGasConnection InstallVentSystemLevelWasher/Dryer Vent system chartConnectVent CompleteInstallationIf the dryer will not start, check the following SÉCURITÉDELALAVEUSE/SÉCHEUSE DANGER AVERTISSEMENTQUE FAIRE DANS LE CAS D’UNE ODEUR DE GAZ AVERTISSEMENT INSTRUCTIONSD’INSTALLATIONExigencesd’emplacement OutillageetpiècesInstallation dans une maison mobile - autres exigences Espacements d’installationDimensions de la laveuse/sécheuse Système de vidange avec évier de buanderie illustration C SystèmedevidangeSpécificationsélectriques Système de vidange par le plancher illustration DConversion au gaz de pétrole liquéfié Spécificationsdel’alimentationengazType de gaz Gaz naturel Un technicien qualifié doit effectuer la conversionRisque d’incendie Utiliser un conduit d’évacuation en métal lourd Exigencesconcernantl’évacuationMatériel pour l’évacuation Ne pas utiliser un conduit d’évacuation en plastiqueRaccordementdutuyaudevidange InstallationdespiedsdenivellementEnleverlasangled’expédition Installation des pieds de nivellement avantConnecter les tuyaux d’alimentation aux robinets d’eau Raccordementdestuyauxd’alimentationPour utilisation avec vidange par le plancher Nettoyer les conduites d’eauInstallations d’évacuation recommandées ImmobilisationdutuyaudevidangePlanificationdusystèmed’évacuation Installations d’évacuation facultativesTableau des systèmes d’évacuation Autres installations où le dégagement est réduitDispositions spéciales pour les installations dans une maison mobile Déterminer l’itinéraire d’acheminement du conduitNivellementdelalaveuse/sécheuse Installationdusystèmed’évacuationRaccordementàlacanalisationdegaz Raccordement du conduitd’évacuation Acheverl’installationSi la sécheuse ne démarre pas, vérifier ce qui suit Page Page Benton Harbor, Michigan W10222381A2008 10/08