Whirlpool Gas Washer/Dryer InstallLevelingLegs, ConnecttheDrainHose, ConnecttheInletHoses

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Install the front leveling feet

1.Prop up the front of the washer/dryer about 4" (102 mm) with a wood block or similar object. The block needs to support the weight of the washer/dryer.

2.Screw the locknut onto each foot to within 1" (25 mm) of the base.


(25 mm)

3.Screw the feet into the correct holes at the front corner of the washer/dryer until the nuts touch the washer.

NOTE: Do not tighten the nuts until the washer/dryer is level.

4.Tilt the washer/dryer back and remove the wood block. Gently lower the washer/dryer to the floor.

For mobile home use

Washer/dryers with gas dryers must be securely fastened to the floor.

Mobile home installations require a Mobile Home Installation Kit. See “Tools and Parts” section for information on ordering.


Proper connection of the drain hose protects your floors from damage due to water leakage. To keep the drain hose from coming off or leaking, it must be installed according to the following instructions:

IMPORTANT: To ensure proper installation, this procedure must be followed exactly.

1.Check the drain hose to see whether it is the proper length.

2.Wet the inside of the straight end of the drain hose with tap water.

IMPORTANT: Do not use any lubricant other than water.

3.Squeeze ears of the silver double-wire clamp with pliers to open. Place clamp over the straight end of the drain hose ¼" (6.4 mm) from the end.


Install the front leveling feetFor mobile home useConnecttheDrainHose (6.4 mm)

4.Open clamp. Twist hose back and forth while pushing onto drain connector on the side of the washer/dryer. Continue until hose contacts the ribbed stops on the cabinet.

5.Place clamp over the area marked “CLAMP.” Release clamp.

For laundry tub or standpipe drain systems

1.Make sure drain hose form is in correct position.

For laundry tub or standpipe drain systemsA

A.Drain hose form

2.Put hooked end of drain hose into laundry tub or standpipe. Rotate hook to eliminate kinks.

To keep drain water from going back into the washer:

Do not force excess drain hose into standpipe. Hose should be secure but loose enough to provide a gap for air.

Do not lay excess hose on the bottom of the laundry tub.

For use with floor drain

Do not install the drain hose form onto the corrugated drain hose. You may need additional parts. See Floor drain under “Tools and Parts.”


1.Insert a new flat washer into each end of the inlet hoses (not provided). Firmly seat the washers in the couplings.




Connect the inlet hoses to the water faucets

Make sure the washer basket is empty.

1.Attach hose to the hot water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.

2.Attach hose to the cold water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.


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Contents WASHER/DRYER SAFETY DANGER WARNING2769CMGASWASHER/DRYER INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONSD’INSTALLATION LAVEUSE/SÉCHEUSEÀGAZ DE2769CMWHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Do not try to light any appliance ToolsandParts AlternatePartsLocationRequirements INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSDrainSystem Installation ClearancesWasher/Dryer Dimensions Installation spacing for recessed area or closet installationElectricalRequirementsGasSupplyRequirements GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Laundry tub drain system view CVentingRequirements Gas supply pressure testingIf using an existing vent system Vent materialRemoveShippingStrap Excessive Weight HazardUse two or more people to move and install washer/dryer Rigid metal ventInstallLevelingLegs ConnecttheDrainHoseConnecttheInletHoses Install the front leveling feetSecuretheDrainHose Clear the water linesConnect the inlet hoses to the washer If you are working in a closet or recessed areaPlanVentSystem Recommended exhaust installationsOptional exhaust installations Alternate installations for close clearancesInstallVentSystem LevelWasher/DryerMakeGasConnection Vent system chartIf the dryer will not start, check the following CompleteInstallationConnectVent SÉCURITÉDELALAVEUSE/SÉCHEUSE DANGER AVERTISSEMENTQUE FAIRE DANS LE CAS D’UNE ODEUR DE GAZ INSTRUCTIONSD’INSTALLATION Exigencesd’emplacementAVERTISSEMENT OutillageetpiècesDimensions de la laveuse/sécheuse Espacements d’installationInstallation dans une maison mobile - autres exigences Systèmedevidange SpécificationsélectriquesSystème de vidange avec évier de buanderie illustration C Système de vidange par le plancher illustration DSpécificationsdel’alimentationengaz Type de gaz Gaz naturelConversion au gaz de pétrole liquéfié Un technicien qualifié doit effectuer la conversionExigencesconcernantl’évacuation Matériel pour l’évacuationRisque d’incendie Utiliser un conduit d’évacuation en métal lourd Ne pas utiliser un conduit d’évacuation en plastiqueInstallationdespiedsdenivellement Enleverlasangled’expéditionRaccordementdutuyaudevidange Installation des pieds de nivellement avantRaccordementdestuyauxd’alimentation Pour utilisation avec vidange par le plancherConnecter les tuyaux d’alimentation aux robinets d’eau Nettoyer les conduites d’eauImmobilisationdutuyaudevidange Planificationdusystèmed’évacuationInstallations d’évacuation recommandées Installations d’évacuation facultativesAutres installations où le dégagement est réduit Dispositions spéciales pour les installations dans une maison mobileTableau des systèmes d’évacuation Déterminer l’itinéraire d’acheminement du conduitRaccordementàlacanalisationdegaz Installationdusystèmed’évacuationNivellementdelalaveuse/sécheuse Si la sécheuse ne démarre pas, vérifier ce qui suit Acheverl’installationRaccordement du conduitd’évacuation Page Page W10222381A 2008Benton Harbor, Michigan 10/08